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Lethal Lipstick

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Lethal Lipstick
11th Feb 2006

There was an unusual silence around the place. Something wasn't right. It was way too quiet...

She Aint So Easy
Lethal Lipstick
4th Feb 2006

He thought he had gotten away with a massive con. The female gangland boss wasn't as good as she thought she was...or so he thought

Mr Peeper
Lethal Lipstick
28th Jan 2006

The secretary was off work, sick, so they got in a temp..but they got a lot more than they bargained for..

Lethal Lipstick
21st Jan 2006

Had Jessie just walked right into a deadly trap??

Lethal Lipstick
14th Jan 2006

Two friends, one job. They both want the rpomotion but only one can have it...which one..

Lethal Lipstick
7th Jan 2006

The captured Spy had no idea what they had gotten themselves into!.

Lethal Lipstick
31st Dec 2005

Sammie's best friend, Petra, wanted to know what she got up to...what she did for a job...and Sammie was only too happy to show her

Fat Sam II
Lethal Lipstick
24th Dec 2005

Something just didn't add up and Sophia had to find out what....before it was too late!

Private Game
Lethal Lipstick
17th Dec 2005

Jessica hadn't been invited to the private game, but she still wanted a Big Win tonight..

Sleeping Beauty
Lethal Lipstick
10th Dec 2005

She thought she was safe...... if only

Lethal Lipstick
3rd Dec 2005

She was silent, she was deadly,...she was perfect!...

Retirement Plan
Lethal Lipstick
26th Nov 2005

Corrine wants to retire, ..she knows it will be tricky to get out so she hatches a plan...

Room For One
Lethal Lipstick
19th Nov 2005

The guys had got it good. The heist had gone to plan and now all they had to do was shift the jewels onto a fence..

Back Up
Lethal Lipstick
12th Nov 2005

Enter the murky, dark world of money forgery as a deal on some good quality forged noted goes horribly wrong!

Fishing For Sharks
Lethal Lipstick
5th Nov 2005

The two girls had got a threatening letter. What were they going to do?

Lethal Lipstick
29th Oct 2005

Ivy has got her villain, chained to the hospital she want answers

Fat Sam
Lethal Lipstick
22nd Oct 2005

Fat Sam wants his money back and he's hired the best to make sure he gets it!

Lethal Lipstick
15th Oct 2005

Kumi, the rookie, is preparing for her first job and goes to her mentor for advice..

Number 2
Lethal Lipstick
8th Oct 2005

Keeping the place secure was surely easy enough. Two guards on at all times and a top of the range surveillance set up ...surely nothing could go wrong.

Day Out
Lethal Lipstick
1st Oct 2005

She's completed her training and her Boss is about to take her out in celebration..but before they get down to partying, her Boss gives her one final test..

Lethal Lipstick
24th Sep 2005

Two lethal ladies are under surveillance yet do they do they know something we dont...He never stood a chance!.

Lethal Lipstick
17th Sep 2005

Eva wanted to find out the truth behind her husbands alleged infidelity..

Lethal Lipstick
10th Sep 2005

These two lethal babes are just after some sun, so when two guys come up, intent on getting with the girls...and they just wont NO for an answer, the girls take things to another level..

Open Season
Lethal Lipstick
3rd Sep 2005

Three lethally armed babes each have the contract to get Mr Big. Who gets him first is competitive game.

The Office
Lethal Lipstick
27th Aug 2005

This crack team had their man they thought

Stag Party
Lethal Lipstick
20th Aug 2005

A boys day out celebrating the upcoming marriage of one their pals into the wealthy Gambini family..good news all round they thought.

Lethal Lipstick
13th Aug 2005

At last, the forensics specialist had arrived. Hopefully she could dig up enough dirt to put Fat Tony away

Traffic Cop
Lethal Lipstick
6th Aug 2005

Was this just a regular traffic stop?

The Sweetener
Lethal Lipstick
30th Jul 2005

The insolence of a male guard earned him a particularly lethal punishment

C U Later
Lethal Lipstick
23rd Jul 2005

Two Lethal Ladies on a mission, It was a trap....but they had a back up plan..

Without Compassion
Lethal Lipstick
16th Jul 2005

Was he rescued...or was he doomed

Take The Shot
Lethal Lipstick
9th Jul 2005

They had the deal all set up. Collect the evidence and the pay off their contact....

Sisters Gift
Lethal Lipstick
2nd Jul 2005

Two beautiful and lethal twin sisters go to work on an unsuspecting male

Belly Chains
Lethal Lipstick
25th Jun 2005

Her name is Sarah Hancock, she's a deputy marshall and she uses Belly chains.

One Way Tickets
Lethal Lipstick
18th Jun 2005

Agents from the Eastern block are tried with their double life and make plans to live a normal life...

Taken Care
Lethal Lipstick
11th Jun 2005

They were almost there. So close to wealth beyond their wildest dreams, but they deserved it. They had cracked the security codes, and now they were all set to do a deal..

No Negotiations
Lethal Lipstick
4th Jun 2005

Black Angel has been assigned a mission to locate the hostages. Her instructions are to call Mr Big for further instructions as soon as she finds them...

Pay Guy
Lethal Lipstick
28th May 2005

He was a tough guy with a foul mouth. He treated his women bad, that was what they deserved. That is.....untill a stranger came knocking and turned his world upside down!

Lethal Lipstick
21st May 2005

Both agents were captured. What awaited them was torture and maybe even worse. The head agent, Fred, Had the codes. He knew he had to keep those secure....though maybe telling his female accomplice the codes wouldn't hurt..afterall, if he bought it, she may survive and get the codes out......

Career'S End
Lethal Lipstick
14th May 2005

A High flying politician gives up his career and his family to be whit the mysterious blonde woman who has captured his heart...

Lethal Lipstick
7th May 2005

The male prisoner had escaped and he was on the run pursued by two lethaly armed female prison officers..

I'M In
Lethal Lipstick
30th Apr 2005

Her assignment was crystal clear. her final outcome wasn't.

Witness Protection
Lethal Lipstick
23rd Apr 2005

The agents have their witness, safe and sound,..or so they think until one lethal lady pays them a visit.

Lethal Lipstick
16th Apr 2005

Both sides are lethaly armed and the captive is highly desired by both camps

The Package
Lethal Lipstick
9th Apr 2005

The wife had had enough of her cheating husband and so she arranged a meeting with a lethal lady to discuss a solution...

No Tipping
Lethal Lipstick
2nd Apr 2005

A Femme Fatal dishes out some Lethal Lipstick

The Chase
Lethal Lipstick
26th Mar 2005

Only one can win

Lethal Lipstick
19th Mar 2005

A Lethal lady strikes

Do YOU Trust Her?
Lethal Lipstick
12th Mar 2005

Do YOU trust her?

Lethal Lipstick
5th Mar 2005

A stand off between 3 gun toting babes.

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