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Lethal Lipstick

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Lethal Lipstick
17th Feb 2007

The guy liked lethal ladies, he loved the way they seductively caressed their guns and then delivered lethal lipstick to their victims, he had lethal babes on his mind 24/7, he even dreamed of them, but was his dream about to become reality?

Lethal Lipstick
10th Feb 2007

52 images

The Housewife
Lethal Lipstick
10th Feb 2007

Her husband was an idiot, a complete male chauvinistic pig and she had had enough. Ariel Anderssen, the housewife was turning into a different women. She was determined the ass hole she had married would no longer be part of her life...she had everything planned.!.

Cindy Read
Lethal Lipstick
3rd Feb 2007

104 images

Run Sam Run
Lethal Lipstick
3rd Feb 2007

Fat Sam is on the run and he has two lethal ladies on his tail. Both Elle Tyler and Sammie B are determined to take him down and as the prowl the estate, they are sure they will run into him, and when they do, they will chase him and play with him like cats after a mouse..!.

Lethal Lipstick
27th Jan 2007

65 images

Smoking Hit Woman
Lethal Lipstick
27th Jan 2007

Kumi was being followed, she knew that much. What surprised her was how amateur the guy was. Whoever had sent him to take her out had clearly wasted their money. She'd take her time, plan her moment and then jump the schmuck.!.

Lethal Lipstick
20th Jan 2007

62 images

Wrong Man
Lethal Lipstick
20th Jan 2007

Sophia Smith is on a mission. She takes her assistant along with her, he'll have to clean up the mess after she's done her job. She's sure she's got the right man, after all, Fat Sam had briefed her so called right hand man and now it was time to deliver fat sam's personal message..!.

Lethal Lipstick
13th Jan 2007

76 images

Fat Sam Pt 3
Lethal Lipstick
13th Jan 2007

Fat Sam is seething with rage. His top employee, Sophia, has done the dirty on him, she's disappeared with the money after a contract hit and now Sam want all his people out there to find Sophia, take her out and return his money. But Sophia is a lot smarter than fat sam gives her credit for and fat sam is in for a surprise when she shows up on her own, and armed!

Cate Harrington
Lethal Lipstick
12th Jan 2007

41 images

All Guest Models
Lethal Lipstick
6th Jan 2007

94 images

Dancers With A Difference
Lethal Lipstick
6th Jan 2007

Dancing for pigs was a nightly annoyance for these two dancers. Every night they would go on stage and have to listen to the heckling and howling of over excited punters but tonight was the night they decided enough was enough. With only a small amount of clients in the place, it was time for revenge.

Lethal Lipstick
30th Dec 2006

91 images

Lethal Lipstick
30th Dec 2006

He was known as Mr Sleaze and there was a very good reason for it. Even though it was time for his jabs, he couldn't help himself, trying to grope the nurses and dropping sleazy comments. Well, they had a surprise for Mr Sleaze. He wanted it and now he was going to get it!..

Fi Stevens
Lethal Lipstick
23rd Dec 2006

81 images

Lethal Lipstick
23rd Dec 2006

Belle is fed up with her husband. He spends most of him time at the pub getting drunk but she's found a beautiful female companion to spend some time with. When the husband returns home unexpectedly early, Petra and Belle get rid of what is a nasty little problem..

Lethal Lipstick
16th Dec 2006

96 images

Sexist Dealer
Lethal Lipstick
16th Dec 2006

The guy had a serious deal to do and the last thing he expects is a couple of women doing a mans job, Surely someone is making a joke of him. Still, the deals there to be done and whilst he belittles the women, he's motivated by money, so he tolerates them, after all, they cant harm him can they?....

Sadie, Sammie, Charlotte
Lethal Lipstick
9th Dec 2006

83 images

Lethal Lipstick
9th Dec 2006

The blonde bombshell is also a lethal hitlady. But she's working for someone and her objective is to get as much ransom money deposited into the bank account as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, for her employer, Mr Big,he has no clue just how cunning, lethal and ruthless she is....

Lethal Lipstick
2nd Dec 2006

56 images

Lethal Driver
Lethal Lipstick
2nd Dec 2006

His driver was different to what he normally had. Usually he had stuffy old guys driving him from pillar to post, but today, the organization had sent someone different. A pleasant surprise indeed. A beautiful brunette with great legs. Things were looking up...

Lethal Lipstick
25th Nov 2006

79 images

Bad Date
Lethal Lipstick
25th Nov 2006

Clair is feeling abused and a little groggy. She's not sure what happened. It was supposed to be an enjoyable night out with friends but then something happened. She woke up in this guys bed, her clothing all disheveled and her head bursting with pain. She was sure something untoward had taken place and she decided to confide in her best friend Chanta...

Fi Stevens
Lethal Lipstick
18th Nov 2006

66 images

Bride To Be
Lethal Lipstick
18th Nov 2006

Mike has been up to no good. He's been taking his bride to be for a ride. All he wants is her money and his adulterous ways wont be stopped. He even tries to get close to the bridesmaid...she turned him down..Ah heck, it's her loss.!.

Lethal Lipstick
11th Nov 2006

55 images

Road Rage
Lethal Lipstick
11th Nov 2006

Cindy and Jessie are being pursued by a couple of idiots who think the girls cut them up. The guys see red and attempt to chase the girls down a fit of rage, determined to have it out with the ladies. Unfortunately for the guys, they don't realize just how lethal these ladies are!..

Sadie, Charlotte
Lethal Lipstick
4th Nov 2006

84 images

Straight To Hell
Lethal Lipstick
4th Nov 2006

The Ti-Co Surveillance system is to put to the test and the target is going straight to hell!

All Guest Models
Lethal Lipstick
28th Oct 2006

51 images

Lethal Lipstick
28th Oct 2006

Kendra is a top US operator and she has taken a job on the other side of the Atlantic. the trouble is, her and her employer don't see eye to eye on the success of her mission and he blows his top in rage when it seems she may have failed to take out the prime target..

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Lethal Lipstick
21st Oct 2006

47 images

Lethal Lipstick
21st Oct 2006

The guard took his job seriously. he was to let no one through that door unless they had the right security clearance, but when two babes approach him, he succumbs to temptation and enjoys the flirting. little does he realize the two babes have a lethal agenda.!.

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Lethal Lipstick
14th Oct 2006

51 images

Jealous Boyfriend
Lethal Lipstick
14th Oct 2006

Molly mathews has an irritating and over jealous boyfriend who wants to keep track of her every movement. Well, she's had enough of his insane obsessions and his aggressive demands so when he threatens to come down and sort things out once and for all she's only too happy to oblige.

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Lethal Lipstick
7th Oct 2006

54 images

Heads You Lose
Lethal Lipstick
7th Oct 2006

Bitch Boss and evil villain, Chanta Rose, is working closely with Kumi. In their sites is a captured gangster from a rival clan. They plan to have some fun with their hapless victim and decided to play a game of toss the coin!....

Lethal Lipstick
30th Sep 2006

70 images

What Cindy Read Wants
Lethal Lipstick
30th Sep 2006

Fred is terrified, he hopes he can talk his way out of this. Cindy, a glamorous, gorgeous hit lady has been sent to take care of him but surely he can get her to change her mind?!

Lethal Lipstick
23rd Sep 2006

44 images

Lethal Lipstick
23rd Sep 2006

Clair wants to look her best, look her most lethal and she prepares herself slowly and thoroughly. What on earth does she want from her bound and taped victim?

Belle, Petra
Lethal Lipstick
16th Sep 2006

47 images

Lethal Lover
Lethal Lipstick
16th Sep 2006

The lethal lover has her eye on her man and she wants to enjoy herself. Her evening also gets a whole lot better when she takes a late night call to tell her another one has been delivered.

Lethal Lipstick
9th Sep 2006

62 images

Lethal Lipstick
9th Sep 2006

Pop star Sammie is making her way home, with her body guard a suitable distance behind, following her every move, making sure she's safe but not intruding on her, which is shame for the hapless stalker..

Lethal Lipstick
2nd Sep 2006

46 images

Boss Belle
Lethal Lipstick
2nd Sep 2006

Belle is the gang boss, and everyone knows it. What better than to show a new recruit how she works as she gets her team of lethal ladies together...

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