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Lethal Lipstick

Lethal Lipstick

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Black Widow
Lethal Lipstick
17th Jan 2009

India is a wife with a plan for a long and very prosperous future. She'll be laughing all the way to bank as a "black widow" to claim her insurance monies for the unfortunate and untimely death of her husband!

The Price Of Failure
Lethal Lipstick
10th Jan 2009

Leaving a glove behind at one of his jobs wasn't quite up to scratch and Fat Sam was now called to account. Tied and taped up, his boss talked him through the price of failure!

Fat Tony Wants His Money
Lethal Lipstick
3rd Jan 2009

Fat Tony is owed big money by Fat Sam, but Sam's late on payment, has been for a while now, so Tony figures it's time to send in his ladies!

No Witnesses
Lethal Lipstick
27th Dec 2008

For Fat Sam and his partner in crime, Fat Fred, the job seemed easy. Fat Fred had gotten a temporary job at the studio and so knew where the overnight safe was hidden. It was only a small tin cashbox they were after but it could contain upto a £1000...time to get searching...!

No Mercy
Lethal Lipstick
20th Dec 2008

The two lethal ladies had question Fat Sam about the money and after a little pressure, he spilled the beans. Told them everything in the hope of being able to escape..perhaps they would show him some mercy and let him go?

Hard Business
Lethal Lipstick
13th Dec 2008

Fat Sam had managed to sneak away quite a nice sizable sum from the gang coffers. This was money for his retirement..and after all, no one would notice it...would they..?

Lesson Not Learned
Lethal Lipstick
6th Dec 2008

After his crime, or rather grime, buddy had gone missing, this petty, low life villain, instead of heeding the warning sign tried to step on the toes of two very serious business ladies..

Suffer In Silence
Lethal Lipstick
29th Nov 2008

Fat Sam had been trapped. It was a set up and he had fallen for it, hook, line and sinker. Now bound and gagged and in a sack in the corner of some warehouse in the middle of nowhere..he could only guess as to what may happen next!

Late Payment
Lethal Lipstick
22nd Nov 2008

Lending money from a loan shark is never a good idea but Kiki had been forced into through desperation. Now the £1000 she had borrowed form Fat Sam had ballooned into a whopping £15000 and now Fat Sam had come calling. He wanted paying.....!

Ms Smoothhit
Lethal Lipstick
15th Nov 2008

Fat Sam has been moved to a random and secure location for further interviewing. The cops know that there are some high profile gangsters that would like to see him silenced.....

30 Seconds
Lethal Lipstick
8th Nov 2008

Tied, gagged and bundled into the boot. Fat Sam had absolutely no idea what was going on but he guessed it was bad. Carmen and Melanie, two of the most lethal ladies on the planet were about to take him to task over his back stabbing activities!

The Hit
Lethal Lipstick
1st Nov 2008

Jenkins had been given another mission, another day...another dollar. This time she wanted to make it a clean hit, no mess.....but how does the saying go..."the best laid plans of mice and men....

Take Over
Lethal Lipstick
25th Oct 2008

Jenkins was about to take over some of Fat Sam's territory, problem was, she was doing it behind his back, though her careless attitude showed she couldn't care less about his opinion..

Waiting Game
Lethal Lipstick
18th Oct 2008

Fat Sam had messed up, become sloppy, he was supposed to take out his target 4 days ago but it seems his eye is off the ball. Maybe he was beginning to live his disguise of happy family man for real. One thing was for sure..."they" would have pay him a visit..

Office Perv
Lethal Lipstick
11th Oct 2008

Fucking Scott, ever since his promotion to middle management, he had been making his way through the office girls. The ones that would put out, ended up promoted upstairs. the ones that didn't, ended up fired. Now his sights had fixed on poor little Cate..

Lethal Lipstick
4th Oct 2008

Fat Sam had gone around to his ex wives house to sign some papers. He had taken along his new bit of stuff for the meeting, just to run salt into the wound..but he didn't realize his ex would bite back...hard!!

Let Rip
Lethal Lipstick
27th Sep 2008

He had tried to pull a fast one and now Fat Sam had sent his two most lethal bitches to reel him in. Gagged and bound, and stuffed away in the cupboard, he had no idea what lay in store for him..

Lovers Letter
Lethal Lipstick
20th Sep 2008

Val finds a secret love letter to her husband from the office whore whose been trying to get him for some time now. The letter confirms her worst fears, that Dave has fallen for her honey trap. Val's heart broken...

Lethal Lipstick
13th Sep 2008

Sweet Belle came from a very wealthy family and on this hot summers day, she had enjoying a walk by the lake when her peace was shattered and Fat Sam and his accomplice bundled her into car. She knew any ransom would be paid though she hoped to ensure these two low life scum got what they deserved by her hands alone before any money passed hands..

Mr Greedy
Lethal Lipstick
6th Sep 2008

So where oh where had all the money gone. There was only the three of them in on the heist and now, worringly, the money which had been tightly wrapped in cellophane and buried 3 feet underground at a secret location in the New Forrest, had gone missing. The girls suspected Fat Sam...apart from them, he was the only other person on the planet that knew where the money was...

Silent Predator
Lethal Lipstick
30th Aug 2008

She had caught her prey. Now she could take her time, take everything slowly. Fat Sam would pay for his double crossing ways and she would enjoy every minute of it!

Cheating Burstard
Lethal Lipstick
23rd Aug 2008

Cate has been with he new man for a week now and the sex is just fantastic. Shame she doesn't know about his wife but as far as she's concerned, she finds out that little fact just in time

Lethal Lipstick
16th Aug 2008

Chris is taken in by the sexy blond and he cant believe his luck. Looks like he's about to get the some of the best sex he's had in his life when all of a sudden, Angel reveals exactly who she is and why she's lured Chris back to her place...

Lethal Lipstick
9th Aug 2008

Cate was late home from work and with a little luck, her bastard husband had already peeled the potatoes. It was a long shot but maybe, just maybe she would arrive home and find a changed man...unlikely as it was..

Lethal Lipstick
2nd Aug 2008

Bound and gagged, Chris is in no position to bargain, but with Tammy Lee in the dark mood she's in, Chris knows any attempt to bargain his way out of this tricky situation would be futile...

Twins Part 2
Lethal Lipstick
26th Jul 2008

With his brother Fat Sam wiped out, Fat Frank was determined to find out who did it and take care of them personally. The last thing he needed was the filth knocking on his door and asking him questions. He wasn't going to co-operate though so they would have to get their asses back to the station empty handed....

Lethal Lipstick
19th Jul 2008

With Fat Sam laid up in bed with a stomach bug, he couldn't ask for two more gorgeous nurses to look after him. The agency always sent good staff but they had out done themselves here. With a little luck, he may just work his charm on them...or..or maybe they might work their charm on him..

The Right Person
Lethal Lipstick
12th Jul 2008

Alex Adams and Danni R had a job to do, but first they had to make sure they have the right person. Fat Sam is sleeping on the sofa when all of sudden he's woken by a gloved hand clamping tight over his he the right man?

60 - 40
Lethal Lipstick
5th Jul 2008

The bank job had gone well enough, £25 - £30k out the safe, but Fat Sam wasn't happy with Nic, his partner in crime. The trigger happy bitch had blown away the bank guard and as far as Sam was concerned, he needed to readjust the split levels to take her recklessness into account..

Never Mess With Me!
Lethal Lipstick
28th Jun 2008

Fat Sam had been warned. He had already had his last chance...but he decided, foolishly, to try his luck with the bitch boss again, tried to get one over on her...he failed..again...would he get another chance?

Hidden Identity
Lethal Lipstick
21st Jun 2008

Alex Adams and Danni R are on the hunt. They know Fat Sam has a disk with all his banking information and codes on it, all the had to do was break in and find it, but Fat Sam returns sooner than they expect and they have a problem to deal with..!

Unfortunate Husband
Lethal Lipstick
14th Jun 2008

Fat Sam was ill and despite taking his medicine, he wasn't getting any better. Just as well then that he had his loving wife, Holly B, caring for him. She had really been an angel in disguise!

Lethal Lipstick
7th Jun 2008

Tammy had been told, in confidence, the Chris was having an affair with his secretary. She hadn't asked him about it yet as he always managed to talk his way out of trouble but when he bought her stockings to wear, she knew something was going on...and it was time to deal with it!

To Teach..
Lethal Lipstick
31st May 2008

Elle P was about to show Melissa what she did for a living and Melissa was eager to learn. Fat Sam owed money, a lot of it, and now it was time to pay one way or another!

Assumption Part 2
Lethal Lipstick
24th May 2008

When Fat Sam returned home, he wasn't prepared for what he saw. A load of blood and mess on the kitchen floor set him panicking. This got even worse when he heard the soft voice of Alex Adams behind him, welcoming him home!

Lethal Lipstick
17th May 2008

What do they say about "assumption" - Never assume, for it makes an ASS out of U and ME - Well, Lacey and Sam had made an assumption and know Alex Adams had come calling..

Mistaken Identity
Lethal Lipstick
10th May 2008

Bob had gotten the attention of the hot brunette at the BBQ that day and with a bit a smooth talk, she had come back to his place for some fun and games. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't quite the fun and games he had in mind..

Lethal Lipstick
3rd May 2008

Jan had been ill for 3 weeks now. The doctor had seen her two or three times and couldn't explain her illness. Blood tests, scans, etc and nothing. Bill, her husband had been the model carer, making her meals and ensuring she was comfortable. Hopefully, the illness would just blow over...

The Hostage
Lethal Lipstick
26th Apr 2008

Emma and Fifi have taken Mr Big hostage. They cant quite believe that he thought they would let him walk all over their territory. He tried it though and now they had to make him pay!

To Catch A Thief
Lethal Lipstick
19th Apr 2008

Fat Sam was doing a job. Some blond bimbo twat that lived on her own. He had gone in masked and gloved so that he didn't leave any traces as to who he was. It was a piece of cake....easy!

Honor Amongst Thieves
Lethal Lipstick
12th Apr 2008

With Fat Sam out getting a pint of milk, this was the ideal moment for Lolly Badcock to tell Renee Richards her suspicions about him. She knew that Fat Sam would probably be hatching a plan to get rid of them so he could take the loot for himself. The problem was convincing Renee. Her and Sam went back a long, long way.

Hunter To Hunted
Lethal Lipstick
5th Apr 2008

The girls are set, ready to go. Waiting for the package. That was it. thats was all they needed. Fat Sam's instructions were clear so now they just had to sit tight and wait..

Lethal Lipstick
29th Mar 2008

Angel Long had been left completely in the shit because of Tammie Lee. Tammie was trying to move in on her territory, trying to get her job with Fat Sam's gang by spreading rumors about Angel's loyalty...Tammie always suspected Angel never had any bottle!

Secretary Spies
Lethal Lipstick
22nd Mar 2008

Lucy B was the secretary to a local unscrupulous businessman. He had a small time business in the building trade that somehow seemed to make big money. She was determined to get to the bottom of it and, with her partner in crime, Vanessa, ensure they got a share of the spoils..

Lethal Lipstick
15th Mar 2008

Fat Sam's misses, Amber, had been acting a little strange lately. Fat Sam thought she may be having an affair of some sorts so a little surprise early visit home might catch the bitch out..!

The Interview
Lethal Lipstick
8th Mar 2008

DC Dannii R had hauled Fat Sam in for questioning. It wasn't the best of times. Her close colleague had just been killed and CCTV evidence seemed to show Fat Sam as the culprit. Would he cough?

Sleeping Beauty
Lethal Lipstick
1st Mar 2008

Fat Sam had hired a hit man to take care of the "squealer" before she was due in court. He had also managed to bribe the private security she had looking after her. The problem was, he wanted to make sure all links back to him were severed...

Financial Advice
Lethal Lipstick
23rd Feb 2008

After winning 1.2 million on the lottery, Fat sam's wife wanted some financial advice on how to get the best out of their money. Little did Fat Sam know she had some very specific plans on what they should do...

Dodgy Copper
Lethal Lipstick
16th Feb 2008

Fat Sam had given his statement and as far as he was concerned, he was pretty much in the clear, so why these two bungling female officers had come knocking, he had no idea though...

Picture Post
Lethal Lipstick
9th Feb 2008

Fat Sam was a seedy bastard at the best of times and persuading his new girlfriend to pose for some sexy snaps was something he relished. Tammy only let him do it this once and only on the understanding they were private pictures. However, Sam was never a man of his word...

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