Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
31st Jan 2025
We know you all love the Girl/Girl shoots so following on from a few emails requesting to see Kym back, I am delighted to showcase this very sexy set of the beautiful Kym Graham and me modelling on the bed in our lacey lingerie. So elegant, beautiful and womanly. I really enjoyed working with Kym and I hope you like the photos we made, seen exclusively here at my official website. You know where to come. Lycia & Kym xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
17th Jan 2025
You will most definitely recognise this set and this T-Shirt from my official 2021 calendar. This is the FULL set of photos shot in the sea on the Turkish coast, which you will not have seen to date! But you have now, as soon as you come inside and feast your eyes.
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
25th Dec 2024
Hey guys! A very MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of my lovely fans out there. I hope you are having a great time. Look who has come to join me in the shower. It is the one and only Christie J. Here is yet another opportunity to enjoy the beautiful natural curves of Christie J getting undressed and naked for you and this time in the shower with me. We get soaking wet and very steamy before rubbing shower gel into each other's soft natural boobies. This was such great fun. I loved having Christie's gentle hands all over my tits. I hope you like the photographs we made. Hmmmmm, slippery and steamy. Lap it up boys, Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
13th Dec 2024
THIS will get you going! This sizzling hot Pool Party from my calendar shoot in Turkey is just what you need to brighten up your dreary January. I adored shooting this set. The sunlight was just perfect and we had about 20 mins before it disappeared behind that mountain completely. The pool was warm and my outfit and hair was totally on point. Come inside and see me posing by the pool before slowly stripping out of my bikini and shoes and getting my sexy young body wet all over. This one is properly sizzling. Mwa, Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
29th Nov 2024
This lovely set of photos with me looking particularly curvy goes with the video we shot by the same name. This was for my 2022 calendar which we never actually produced in the end due to Covid delays and difficulties. However, my photographer saved the set of pictures, taken in this hotel room bath with my sexy sophisticated glasses on, and we cannot possibly let them go to waste now can we. Who wants to ask me some philosophical questions? Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
1st Nov 2024
THIS sparkly bikini set (the exact one!) was featured in the first set we ever published on my site. Go back to November 2018 and have a look. It is one of my favourites. So glam and sparkly and I felt it was cut just right for my curves too. In this set I very gently peel it off for you and get naked in my gorgeous comfy bed. There is very soft lighting in here with some lovely textures of my soft smooth skin against the luxury furnishings. My natural boobs are so supple and nubile. There is an extra special little treat in this set too so come and check it out inside with me. You will most definitely not be disappointed! Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
25th Oct 2024
After lunch I never feel like doing much. Just chilling or lounging around, particularly when it is hot. My photographer said he had found a lovely shady spot and brought me a nice cold Appletize out of the fridge. I didn't need much persuading to try out one of my new lingerie sets and kick back on the couch. He said just relax and slowly undress and I will grab some pics. And they call this work? Actually it is bloody tiring. Fetch me another drink and wake me when it's dinner time. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
11th Oct 2024
More very exclusive and unseen holiday snaps from my trip to the Maldives. Words cannot describe how much I love this place. So peaceful and relaxing and so inspiring. Hope you like the snaps I made for you whilst soaking up the vibes. Oh to be back there now... Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
27th Sep 2024
We may look bold and confident on the outside but models are just like every girl underneath. We have a fragile heart and we need love, affection, attention and dedication. For us to behave like a Queen we deserve to be treated like a Queen. Satin silk baby dolls make me feel so delicate and fragile. Just like a valuable piece of handmade glassware. Be careful how you unwrap me - please do it gently to avoid damage. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
30th Aug 2024
Many of you have commented how many different ways I experiment with to wear my hair. I have had a few different shades of blonde too over the years, as those regular fans will have noticed. I get bored quickly so I love to change things up and try to keep things fresh and interesting. The long hair in this set and the four poster bed in the top floor bedroom kind of conjuered up images of the fairty tale where the beautiful princess ends up trapped in a tower and she helps her handsome prince rescue her by lowering down her hair for him to climb up the tower into the room. OK it is not that long... perhaps I should try the more reliable and far less painful technique of tying together my bedsheets. Any princes around with good climbing skills? Rapunzel is waiting for you xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
2nd Aug 2024
Heyyyy You Guys! Come and see me strip NAKED in the sea for you. So sexy. So fresh. So me. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
19th Jul 2024
I WISH this was my house. This is the old Manor House on a secluded peaceful wine estate in the Western Cape of South Africa. It has three gorgeous bedrooms and a very grand lounge plus its own pool and this little terrace out the front which is perfect for soaking up the sun and enjoying the view. After a light lunch and a few glasses of refreshing wine I thought I would pop out to enjoy the warm afternoon sun. I got a little bit too warm and needed to loosen up a bit. See what I mean now about enjoying the view? Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
5th Jul 2024
Ooooh come and feel the glossiness of this awesome bathroom shoot. What a fabulous room to shoot in! I picked out one of my most vibrant bikinis and totally owned this bath. We shot the bubble vid just after this if you go back into the vids section and scroll back to the start of the site you will find it there. I am always looking for bigger and smarter and funkier bathrooms to get my kit off in. Anybody know of any? Please let me know...
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
7th Jun 2024
Looking back recently at the shredded top set in the hotel, I thought I would treat you to another set in the same slashed up t-shirt, famously worn on Page 3 of the Daily Star before they banned the boobs. I booked this hotel in London to shoot some really naughty custom stuff for overseas fans. I did a few sets of the website at the same time whilst I was all made up and feeling sexy. These were never supposed to be released but I have sorted through them and personally curated the ones I would like to share here and I think it has made a rather sexy set. I adore the way my boobs look in this top as it just shows them off perfectly! Let me know what you think, Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
24th May 2024
Lots of you on my OnlyFans have asked for this set as I posted a few cheeky previews for you. Well here it is, in all its naked glory. This is an elegant poolside set with some oil on my skin as it progresses. I also give my cute hat a nice whirl. I had been in Turkey a few days when we shot this so my tan is lovely and even and having been sunbathing all afternoon, my big natural breasts look so tasty and yummy. This full nude set will turn you properly on I can promise. This one set alone is worth the modest monthly subscription to my website. You are properly being spoilt here. What an absolute tease. You might recognise a photo here which featured in my 2021 official calendar. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
26th Apr 2024
Hands up if you like this top? Do you think it shows enough? My mum made this for me, based on a top that Jeany had and I wore in a Page 3 shoot for the Daily Star. I thought it looked good so I had one made. I think it shows off my figure quite nicely. He he he. Come and see my soapy bath set in a riverside hotel. I get pretty smothered in hot soapy water and make myself all nice and shiny. I love splashing around in the bathtub, particularly when there are such amazing views. Come inside and join me. You will definitely like what you see boys. Lycia x
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
12th Apr 2024
I will never forget shooting this set. It was on the last few days of the summer season down at Help Beach Club on the Aegean Sea. The guys were packing everything away for the winter. We pitched up and had a drink and then asked if we could shoot around the club, and on their gorgeous stretch of beach. The manager was very accommodating, and the cocktails were gorgeous. As we shot this set, in my favourite mesh swimsuit, a couple of German guys suddenly wanted to swim right by this hut, and kept swimming in very small circles. They were sensing I was about to get NAKED for the camera, and of course for them too. Well I didn't want to disappoint. We could not shake them off after that and they observed us all day. Worst of all, they never picked up my bar bill either. The swines. Grrr.
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
15th Mar 2024
You all know I really adore a lovely relaxing bath right? This suite had a gorgeous freestanding bath and amazing views, letting in tons of natural light. There is nothing finer than getting all soaped up and shiny and slippery before heading out for a night on the town. It gets me all clean and horny at the same time. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
23rd Feb 2024
Some personal, candid, very sexy snaps taken on my glorious holiday in the Maldives. I cannot describe what a great experience it was. Take me back. Now!
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
9th Feb 2024
I loved being a Page 3 Girls in the newspapers in England. I never got to star in the Sport on Page 3, but I was in there in the centre pages from various shoots I did with Paul Raymond Publications which were syndicated in the Sport. We got hold of this top and I know how much you all like boobs in strappy tops so thought I would shoot in it right here on my site, and out of it of course! At the time of publishing this set, the Daily Sport is the ONLY paper left which still has topless Page 3. Long may that continue. It was bloody awful what the others did in scrapping something which bought so much innocent happiness to so many. Sporty Spicey Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
15th Dec 2023
I saw this funky wallpaper in the corridor and I said right let's do a quick photo set. I was not supposed to get naked in a hotel. Not in a public area anyway! But hey, it is all the interests of art right? Some old guy walked by on the way to his room and I just covered my nipples with my arm and smiled. I hope I never gave him a heart attack lol. The hand cuffs hopefully make a nice kinky touch. This was a request from a fan. Don't forget you can put requests in at any time guys. Always happy to give my fans what they want. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
1st Dec 2023
I was holidaying in the Maldives a little while back. This was not a working holiday but an actual break just for me. Sometimes it is nice to spoil oneself, if only I could afford to do it more often. One night I had a few too many cocktails and, fueled by Dutch Courage, I asked one of the lads at the resort to snap a few photos of me. I was very tipsy and it was late. He only had a phone camera so they are not as well produced as you are used to but I had fun. I was only going to shoot bikini stuff, but when I told him I had been on Page 3 he would not shut up and kept egging me on. He was like "go on, get your top off..." and unrelenting. So I thought hell I am sure he's seen me on the beach already today so off came the top. He was frothing at the mouth bless him, but a bit nervous too. I did not stop there, and in no time I had me NAKED on the sand. I have to say being photographed by a stranger was quite a turn on. He said he had never done anything like this before. His photos were a bit small but I reckon not bad at all for a beginner! Maybe I should shoot with him again. I am sure he's signed up to my members' area a few times, but always does it under a different name. Lol. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
3rd Nov 2023
We shot some naughty custom content for a fan and some magazines in this swish London hotel room. It had an amazingly comfy bed and nice natural light but otherwise it was a bit tight for space so my photographer was imagining things we could to to shake things up a bit. The wardrobe had this plain white set of doors which we both thought might look pretty cool behind my sexy red lingerie, and of course TOPLESS. Later on it looked like a kind of identity parade! I am innocent, honest. Please don't look me away... Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
27th Oct 2023
The best shoots are pool shoots and the absolute best pool shoots are ones where the sun is in its "golden hour" phase just before sunset when the light takes on a lovely soft glow. It's also near the time we stop shooting and head out for cocktails so it is all together a very exciting time. But when there is work to be done I will always be delighted to grab one of my favourite bikinis and get posing for you guys, ideally by a lovely warm pool. This set was part of my calendar trip to a luxury villa in Turkey. You will see me fully naked in the private pool, throwing some awesome poses. I wish you could have joined me in here, I had so much fun. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
29th Sep 2023
An indoor set shot in natural light!!! WTAF? We found a rare day in June with some bright enough sunshine to snap off a set with me by the windows, soaking up the real light. This has a much softer feel to it and gives my skin a more natural colour. A few of you have asked me for more Bikini / Bare Feet combination stuff so this should tickle your interest. Nice plain white two piece bikini on a chair with the glam hair and makeup to go with it. Hopefully this floats your boat guys. Once I am naked you have something for everyone - smiles, boobs, bum, legs, feet, hips - the real natural me. Another signature set. Feel the natural beauty, Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
15th Sep 2023
The sunset was just going hazy and relaxing as I whipped my cute body into my gorgeous lemon lingerie and strolled out to the sun lounger in the villa garden. "No time to sit swinging on that" yelled my photographer! "Get your boobs out and stretch your hot body out for the camera." He is such a slave driver sometimes. Actually I think he just wanted to get on the cocktails and knock off for the day. I was turned on by the cool evening breeze on my skin and hair. This dazzling outfit looks great against the natural lush Turkish greenery. The cover shot is dedicated to all of you who love bum on feet photos! You know who you are. So many email in and ask for it. I had heels on but I did not want to damage the furnishings and end up paying for it so off came the shoes as I stretched out, bare foot and effortlessly sensual. It was not long before the bra was off, followed by the panties and I ended the day's shooting as I had started it, NAKED. Oh the life of a model on a trip. So hectic and busy. Time for a quick shower and an evening full of tasty cocktails. After viewing this gorgeous set, I imagine you will want to do the same. Enjoy and be satisfied, Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
18th Aug 2023
I am such a fan of Kym and her amazing body and her lovely big squeezy boobies. You have seen the tease video for this set already - go back in the video section and check it out! Here are the photos are photographer did of us both in the bath in our sexy ripped white tees. The tees were cut up with scissors so you can see our chests come through the cracks and gaps. They look even better when wet! But after getting them literally sodden, Kym said we should strip them off and pose TOPLESS for all the fans. I thought this was a great idea and we whipped off our dripping wet tees and got our big boobs right out for you to enjoy. After splashing plenty of water on each other's lovely big tits, I said to Kym lets take our bottoms off. She was up for it, so out came the bums. And there we were, NAKED in the bath! Kym spotted the shower head and said "soak me babe" so I couldn't resist giving her sizzling hot body a real good going over. There was water EVERYWHERE! This is one shoot I did not want to end. Get stuck into these 200 odd pictures and you won't either. OK, who has stolen our towels? Come on boys, give them back!
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
4th Aug 2023
Many people believe that British boobs are the best boobs in the world. We did invent Page 3 after all. British girls also have the nicest accents. That's not my view, that is what many American fans tell me. I am very happy to wrap myself in our flag, and very little else. I just love this background. The bricks are so sharp and vibrant yet neutral and benign enough to be helpfully ignored whilst I am standing in front of this wall. Lots of you really love denim, particularly my Number 1 fan! I like modelling in denim and it keeps the fans happy. It gives a casual look and is comfy but also can look quite street and edgy. This top with the draping tassles was something a little different so I paired it with the denim shorts and grabbed a union flag! I am proud to be an ambassador for Britain and I think that us Brit girls do indeed have some of the best boobies - particularly when looking nicely tanned and rather full.
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
14th Jul 2023
Oh My! How sophisticated (and sexy) do I look boys and girls? Just after lockdown, we hired an apartment in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in East London to shoot some sizzling hot content for you all. This apartment was slick, tidy and smart and it boasted a pretty awesome bathroom. My photographer had said "bring along your glasses, as people will find them a real turn on!" After filling in all the essential worker paperwork at reception they gave us the keys for the afternoon and we wasted no time getting my clothes off and my hot body out for you all to properly enjoy. After all, it is a global pandemic, and we all need a bit of encouragement, don't we. We shot some great stuff in this flat and towards the end my photographer said: "Lycia, let's get in the bath and you can get your natural boobies all wet for the fans". I did not need to hear the suggestion twice I can tell you. I had the perfect white top in my case, which goes conveniently "see thru" if you wet it. I put on my glasses, glammed up my hair, took my jeans off to reveal my cute pink panties and I bared my tiny little size three feet for you to enjoy. The rest is a blur of water and bubbles and a powerful shower head! This set has it all. My glasses are on, ready for you to imagine me as a baby sitter or school teacher. My top is sodden - I mean DRIPPING wet - AND.... yes, I take it OFF! My boobs are right out. Basically I get completely TOPLESS for you to enjoy. I am blushing. I hope you are too. My nipples look so cool under the hot running water. They are a wonderful colour. You will go crazy. My tiny feet are bare and the water is flowing in this bath. Just thinking about it now makes me so wet in so many different ways. This is the set that glamour was named after. Trust me, you will go mad for these pics. Step inside my members' area now where my SOAKING wet naked 32GG natural BOOBS are bare and shining in the water for you to thoroughly admire. I adored making these images for you guys and I would love to hear from you how much you enjoyed looking at them. Be inspired. Be wet. Be naked and young and nubile like me. Mwa mwa mwa, WET Lycia xxxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
30th Jun 2023
A classic beach bikini shoot with the deep blue Mediterranean behind me. I do not do nearly enough beach shoots but I want to fix that next year and bag quite a few. Here is hoping. This was shot on one of the longest and most expansive beaches in Turkey on my Kalkan trip. I love stripping off my bikini and getting my English natural BOOBS out for the Turkish men to admire as they walk along the beach. And there was no shortage of admirers I can promise you. They kept pretending to drop something in the sand so they could come and look for it but in reality they were just looking at me topless. It was quite annoying at first but after a while I just pointed my amazing natural chest towards them and they got embarrassed and scuttled away with their tails between their legs. Bless. I hope they are all member of my site now so they can enjoy my big bare boobs at their leisure, without any awkwardness. I cannot wait for you to see me TOPLESS in the sand inside. Sign up today for weeks and months of good honest natural fulfillment. Your small framed, short, busty Page 3 cutie, Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
2nd Jun 2023
This set made an appearance in my 2021 calendar, shot in Turkey. I like to mix things up a bit with different outfits. I know you guys love a bit of variety mixed in with your natural boobs and curvy bum and sexy cute feet. Here is my saucy pin up bunny outfit, shot on the terrace of our amazing Lycian villa, very close to the pool, with a slight Betty Boo meets the Easter Bunny theme. Ears aside, you will soon be looking at me NAKED against a wall, just how you like to enjoy me. Oh my check out my natural curves when the dress comes off. They will melt your heart and warm your soul. You'll see - Bunny Girl Lyci Ears xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
19th May 2023
This flamingo is the second one I owned. My photographer broke the first one by pumping too much air in it. Silly boy. Luckily we found this one in Cyprus and he managed to inflate it without popping it. I was splashing around on the pink flamingo in the pool, just chilling and having fun in my very rare (and rather expensive!!) diamante bikini. This was a funny time of day as the sun was starting to fade so it's a bit shadowy in places but I notice that he's tried to get the light on my boobs wherever possible. We kinda work on the assumption that they are the most important thing to get properly lit. This pool is not huge, but imagine if this was your villa, being able to dive in there everymorning to cool off before breakfast, then again after dinner. What a facility to have. Loved this place. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
21st Apr 2023
Who does not love a Wet T Shirt contest? An age old yet still very powerful idea, and so simple to make. There is something more appealing and exciting having a soaking wet T shirt than being completely topless straight away. Boobs can look fabulous through the see thru fabric of a T shirt. In the USA in colleges back in the day they used to call them "wet nightie contests" and they were very popular. Probably frowned upon a bit these days but hey, as a model I am more than happy to whack on a white T shirt and start splashing the water around, and oh my, what a set! This has a whopping 314 photos for you to enjoy. Everything gets soaked - the T shirt, my hair, my boobs, the bathroom floor, the walls, ME, everything. Water everywhere in this set. I start off getting the T shirt nice and wet so you can see my NIPPLES through it. After it is see thru and dripping, guess what happens? Yep, you got it, off it comes so my boobs are completely bare. But is does not stop there, oh no. My panties come off and I am absolutely 100% NAKED. Then I soak my self with the shower head, which I can promise is such great fun, and get my hair dripping. Finally I come out of the bath so you can see my legs and feet too. Fun stuff for me and I hope it is fun stuff for you guys too. Come and have a look. Am I wet enough?
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
7th Apr 2023
We shot this set in the Lycian countryside in the gorgeous and peaceful village of Kyakoi near Fethieye in Turkey. This was just before the lockdown hit. The villa was stunning and I was so grateful to get away from the unfolding western covid drama back home. We had such a great trip down here in the unspoilt rural Western Turkish coast. After shooting my 2021 calendar, I could crack on with producing some quality material for my fans here at I put on my sexy red dress and black Louboutin heels. The light was so natural and perfect and we shot an elegant set for the site. After a while my senses took over and I had to kick off my heels and relax in my BARE FEET for you guys, and that felt so good on the tiles by the pool. My silky souls were lapping up the roar erotic energy from the floor. I could really show my true sexual self. Soon after that the dress had to come off as I was getting so horny thinking about you all enjoying my body in the sunset. I simply needed to be 100% NAKED for you little maniacs. I was soooo turned on shooting this. I had to dive straight into the pool afterwards to cool my sizzling hot young body down. And you can see that in another set coming soon. BOY do I spoil my members here! Tell your mates. My soft natural boobs are big enough to go round. Get that hose out and cool me down - Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
10th Mar 2023
Starting off in a beautiful BabyDoll trimmed with my trademark PINK, I strip off by the massive leather sofa in my gorgeous luxury villa. I was particularly impressed with the gorgeous lighting in this set. Cyprus is just perfect for natural light. I also love the styling here. Hope you like it too. Your Baby Doll Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
24th Feb 2023
This moody and sophisticated set was made in Turkey near Fethiye during lockdown in 2020. We had a very stylish villa to shoot in and made lots of great stuff for my 2021 calendar. The full set of me as a Fallen Angel is totally unseen until now.
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
17th Feb 2023
I was sunbathing, naturally... and au naturel! So of course my photographer came pestering and snapped a few shots of me 100% naked by the pool, soaking up the rays. I was supposedly on a break between modelling sets, and I was chilling with my tunes. But the sun on my NAKED body felt so good, I could not resist doing a bit of posing. These are quite close in and tight shots, my snapper muttered "pure tits and ass" and we thought that would be a great title for this set. Can't a girl get any rest eh?
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
3rd Feb 2023
I was lucky enough for a fan to loan me the use of his bike which we used for the 2020 calendar. This was shot on the Essex coast, amongst a load of nosey dog walkers! We made a full set of photos as the opportunity was just too good to waste! Hope you like the hot bike and hot babe. Lycia xx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
20th Jan 2023
A sizzling hot bikini in the pool in the afternoon sun. How blue is this amazingly refreshing water? It was not long before I could not longer fight the urge to peel out of my bikini and get my big natural boobies covered in soothing cold water. Then I just had to get naked and own the whole skinny dip. Come on in boys, the water is lovely! Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
6th Jan 2023
I think the best way to show off elegant lingerie is in a nice bed in a nice hotel room. As it happens, this lovely big bed was really comfortable, and HUGE! Plenty of room for two, or even three... See me undress from my pure white Ann Summers set in this gorgeous Signature Living suite. Anybody in the mood for a party? Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
16th Dec 2022
Shooting in a ruined and very ancient Lycian village in Turkey. These buildings were truly amazing. And the scenery was breathtaking. I am sure you will agree.
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
9th Dec 2022
Open up the shell and discover a precious pretty jewel! YAY it is ME! Oyster Pearl Lycia. Floating around on a pool has to be one of my favourite ways to spend the day. This bikini is soooooo pretty but so fragile and easily damaged. It suits the concept here perfectly but perhaps not quite as well as my sun bronzed naked breasts do. The best things come to those who wait and you wont have to wait too long to enjoy the boobies in this set. They say oysters are an aphrodisiac too don't they? Well I'm certainly stoked up. Might have to dive in the deep end here and cool off. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
25th Nov 2022
Think PINK and think POP! That is what you get when two naturally busty and curvy Page 3 Girls get together. And.... yes our special guest - TED!
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
18th Nov 2022
Stripping out of my strappy little Daily Sport top on the bed. This is a real teasy set guys. I literally take this top off half an inch at a time. I have my natural short hair on too, which I know lots of you love. I would like to be on Page 3 of the Daily Sport or Sunday Sport. Or both! I want to feature in more newspapers and magazines, whilst we still have some left. Enjoy the strip tease guys, Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
4th Nov 2022
When high fashion meets classic glamour. I love a bit of bling. Give me some glitzy diamonds or shiny embellishments and it makes an outfit. These pictures have more of a commercial feel to them. I felt the posing and styling really suited the minimalist villa we were staying in so strutted my stuff around the poolside, showing off my impressive legs. If magazines still existed today, I reckon I could see myself on the cover of one. Lycia xxx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
28th Oct 2022
I do love a nice relaxing bath and particularly one in a luxury hotel room. I am also quite partial to pink champagne (in case anyone fancies treating me to some) so imaging the box ticking potential of me, in a pink bikini, with bright pink lipstick on, taking a bath in a pink bathroom, whilst sipping on pink champagne. It is a pink extravaganza! Champagne makes me feel all cosy inside but it also excites me and it is of course a known aphrodisiac which works even more power on me when I am naked in a bath. Totally love it. Come on inside and get nice and soapy with me. Just grab the bottle please on your way - I need a top up! Cheers, Lycia xx
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
14th Oct 2022
Me and the very sexy and naturally curvy Kym Graham posing in our matching bikinis in the wet room. I don't think any more needs to be said...
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
7th Oct 2022
See me in my sexy lilac lingerie in the beautiful garden of our Turkish villa. We had neighbours on one side who just ignored us. But then conveniently as soon as my knickers were off, the landlord popped in to "mend the jacuzzi". He did a double take then just cracked on and seemed to ignore me too. Funnily enough he felt the need to pop around every day then, "just to check". Nice to stay in places where the owner is so conscientious eh!
Lycia Sharyl
Lycia Sharyl
23rd Sep 2022
There is something about a dress. And particular a red dress. Something iconic about a girl in a red dress. It conveys power and confidence. The sun was beating down as I wandered down the garden to the lake to take in the serene and peaceful ambience of the still waters in the midday sun. What a truly beautiful scene. Getting carried away with the moment, my gorgeous dress just seem to fall off. I think being comfortable naked shows even more power and confidence. Check out this set and let me assert my female power and independence. Pick that dress up off the floor will you, I don't want it getting dusty. Lycia xxx
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