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Worship Jasmine

Worship Jasmine

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Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
8th Feb 2025

Danielle Maye always get's what she wants!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
1st Feb 2025

The truth is you know it. You were never really a man to begin with. You knew you was always very different.??You have no right to call yourself a ‘man' and I'm here to make sure of that.??You're just a beta loser who jerks his pathetic cock to women who only want to humiliate him. Beta's like you can't control themselves.??Who's going to cum in their panties today?

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
25th Jan 2025

Are you ready to fly high?I take no prisoners.....let's play!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
11th Jan 2025

Yet again, you're trying to quit. Why bother? Aren't your bored of the same repetitive cycle.??You can't stay away from my clips, browsing and drooling really working yourself into a frustrated frenzy!??I know you're really fighting the urge to massively relapse with each and every scroll. ?? But I'm your TRIGGER. This right here is your trigger. I KNOW you cannot resist me. I knew when I filmed this clip it would be the one to pull you deeper.?? Come on, you can't resist you pumping gooning addict!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
4th Jan 2025

That's it moron, you know where it's going and you have no choice in the matter.Open wide, it's feeding time for you loser!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
28th Dec 2024

I know you're a weak slobbering mess when it comes to my big thick cleavage.Drool for meLust for meGet weaker than ever for meYou're going to be my little play toy today and I really want to play with you all day!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
21st Dec 2024

You're a sad lonely loser at the best of times but when you eventually retire what are you going to do with ALL that cash? By the time I do allow you to retire which will be at an extremely old age, you wont be mobile, all you will need to spend your cash on is diapers for your incontinence. So whilst you're still active and able to watch my clips you should blow all your retirement fund on me. At least now you can watch me spend it on my lavish lifestyle, watch me brag about my bank balance and verbally humiliate you in return. You know tributes turn me on and a BIG, FAT JUICY tribute would be orgasmic. I would love to see you SPEND all your fund on me, seeing you get old and frail and having to struggle then is such an evil thing but such an enjoyable thing for a bitch like me.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
14th Dec 2024

No matter how hard you try to veer yourself away from cocks you always end up back here, your happy place stroking away relentlessly to big fat cocks. Cock turns you on so much, there is nothing quite like the thrill you experience when stroking yourself madly to thick meaty dicks.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
30th Nov 2024

Can you seriously think straight when you are greeted with the greatly sight of my amazing cleavage? Of course not. My juicy tits rule you immediately. Drooling beyond amazement, you cannot contain your excitement when it comes to my powerful assets. So weak, you are literally easy bait to me. There is nothing I cannot make you do when I have my perfect tits barely contained in my bra. Your dick throbs and you are weak at the knees begging to serve me in any way possible. What shall I make you do today? How will you please your superior and how will you earn the right to stroke? I enjoy seeing your gormless, weakened state, your nose pushed up close to your computer screen and your eyes transfixed by my beauty. You know you can't have me, you know you will never be able to touch but it doesn't stop you from aching to lose it all and devote every single bone in your body to me does it? Could you ever say no to me? Most probably not. Enter my world, lose yourself and prove your addiction to the greatest.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
23rd Nov 2024

Mindlessly stroking to me and forgetting your priorities? ??Time to make some changes and I'm just the Goddess to do the job.??I have a solution to all of your problems and I know you're so eager to please you will do anything I put your way. ??You want to be mine, in fact you want to be my everything but this is the test that will really tell.??Welcome to your new life.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
16th Nov 2024

Admit it, you know exactly what you are. There's no hope in shrugging it off you may as well accept and make the most it. I bet there's a part of you that actually gets off on the humiliation that comes with being the reject that are you. When I taunt, laugh and mock you it gets you hard doesn't it? I mean how weird is that right. Your pathetic, useless, over-wanked cock gets hard when I call you all the abusive, horrible, nasty words. You are well and truly fucked up. Well you're going to get off to being the biggest fucking loser on this planet. As I'm not going to hold back. I'm going to rip you apart and mock you down the ground. Let's see just how hard your loser dick gets to some of these home truths, weirdo!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
9th Nov 2024

My divine tits are your ultimate weakness but paired with PVC you are really on the edge. Big, round, perfect and all natural my tits really do drive you wild. Can you last till the end of the clip or will you blow your load seconds in?

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
2nd Nov 2024

So this is yet ANOTHER financial domination clip you have purchased. Well, you're not alone there are lots of LOSERS like you! You are just another LOSER who gets hard whilst watching his bank account being drained and just another WORKER minion funding my lifestyle. You have to PAY, you was born to PAY. This is your life now for eternity. Slaving away endless hours to hand over that pay check, sending all your saving to me and in return a big fat FUCK YOU! The truth is though, you're a weak male with an even weaker penis and if you watch this clip, you will be teased, denied and Mesmerized into a lifetime of money slavery. You are here for one reason only and that is to feed my GREED and make me even richer than i already am

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
26th Oct 2024

My pigs are surprisingly competitive. It makes me laugh seeing a pig envious of another pig with deeper wallets. You all roll around in your own filth, desperately trying to be the biggest pig. Well rather than treat you with respect and confidentiality, I have created a League Table. Your financial sacrifice (or inadequacies) will be there for ALL to see. You would like to pretend that your position will not be important but you will soon become utterly obsessed with topping the table. And what reward will come with this? Nothing but shame and public humiliation.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
19th Oct 2024

You can't say no when it comes to me. You can never say no. You know that the moment you see me you become weak, horny... powerless. All of the power you once had drains from your cock, and into my possession. And I intend to keep draining that power from you.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
12th Oct 2024

Come here little ass addict, it makes you weak doesn't it. My juicy ass drives you crazy and makes you so dumb. The power of pert ass is huge. So get on your knees and look up at perfection. Stare deeply and lose control. It's your weakness, it's your obsession and it makes you so uncontrollably horny. You can't help but fixate your eyes, it draws you in, traps you and you love it. You can't explain what it is but my ass ambushes your every thought.My ass weakens you like nothing else, it triggers your inner submissive tendencies and covers you in a wave of helplessness. It makes you want to delve deep into your finances and splurge like you never have before. It corrupts your senses and you are just a total fool. One little sniff would send you into a euphoric state. It would send you deep into debt, you would want nothing more than to be bankrupt, penniless just for the chance to have your nose pressed up against perfection. Your eyes transfixed, your mind totally overpowered and your hands constantly dipping into your wallet handing over your ca$h makes me only want to financially fuck you harder than ever. Spend and drool addict.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
5th Oct 2024

This has always been a dream of yours. To be totally and utterly devoted to Goddess Jasmine. A born again virgin for your Queen.??Sit back, relax and let me take control of every part of you. You need this. You need to focus. You need to let go and you need to lean in to this mind control session.??Therapist-fantasy knows best.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
28th Sep 2024

I will be your dream girlfriend on one condition: I can be as toxic and bratty as I want. You willingly go along with whatever I say, and it's easy to see why - I have you wrapped around my pretty little finger and completely own you. I have you wrapped around my pretty little finger and completely own you.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
21st Sep 2024

Well you was stupid enough to voluntary enter the world of blackmail, to willingly send me all your private information along with some pretty horrific pictures that in the wrong hands could be life changing. The rules were pretty simple, only an over excited, horny, weak willed loser would fall into this **** and here you are. Confessing all your crippling fetishes and depraved desires and grumbling on about your stale home life has only added incentive to make this even harder for you. You thought with your dick, you pressed send and your life is in my hands now. So, it's simple. If you don't pay up I will be publicly shaming you in every way possible. I have your social network log ins, I have your wife's telephone number and your boss' email. The world is my oyster, I can fuck with you in any way I see fit. You will pay and pay, and then pay some more. And you will either continue to fund my greed, in perpetuity OR the real you will be put on (VERY) public display!pay, and then pay some more. And you will either continue to fund my greed, in perpetuity OR the real you will be put on (VERY) public display!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
14th Sep 2024

Hey piggy You're conditioned now. There's no need for teasing, manipulating or ordering you to pay. You just know you MUST PAY! That's your reason for existence and forever thankful to me you pay like a robot. It doesn't stop me laughing and mocking you. I love seeing how weak and helpless you are for me. Now make sure you thank me properly and add on below.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
7th Sep 2024

You couldn't resist this clip. The GIF sent you crazy, you saw my hot curves in my sexy lingerie and you were instantly mind fucked. Trousers around your ankles as this clip downloads, do you really know what you're letting yourself in for? You will follow my instructions throughout this entire clip. You will jerk on my command as I get deeper and deeper inside your head. Grab your cock, stroke it for me up and down, nice and slow. Now I want you to stop. You do as I say, now. I want you on the edge, I want you desperate and I want to see the hungry look in your eyes are you long to touch yourself again. You're my addict and you do as I say. Now stroke again, a little faster this time but I don't want you to cum. I want this to be hard for you, I want you your balls to be throbbing in pain. Stroke again and then stop. You can't take your eyes off of me, can you. I have you totally mesmerised and you're completely mine right now. I want you screaming out for release but I'm going to get deeper inside your head and push you to your limits. Stroke your cock 10 times and then I will count you down to orgasm but what countdown will I let you release huh? Will I, won't i? Can you handle this? Most definitely not.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
31st Aug 2024

Even as a self-proclaimed loser, paypig, slave or just sub (you know the ones who cannot face what they really are), you still crave attention. Some sort of recognition for the huge financial sacrifices you make and work you do for me. Yet, however hard you work for me or however much you send, you will always just be a number to me. Your hard earned money just tops up my bank account by fractions. Your hard earned money is just a new cell on the impossibly large spreadsheet that records my income. You mean nothing to me. And that is why you pay me. You are addicted to the true humiliation of paying me for absolutely nothing. Seeing a young, undeserving mean bitch get richer, whilst hard working, deserving men get poorer. There are millions of you participating in this cruel irony. Even if you found the strength to stop paying me, there are countless other pay-bots ensuring I get richer and richer. So accept it. Enjoy it. Spend your life jerking off to it. Because it will never change.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
17th Aug 2024

Of course you would be totally besotted with me but doesn't it really hurt bad knowing that you're never get me.??A hot, beautiful Goddess you could never fuck.??Why are you settling for a mundane, boring sex life with your ugly wife.It's time to become that ‘Pussy free pumper' I know you want to be for me. ??This means you will have more loser access to me…exciting right!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
10th Aug 2024

Listen....You know by now I don't play small.I like the finer things in life AND I get the finer things, right.I'm beautiful, you're beneath me and you work for me.You love me taking, taking and taking it ALLIt's the ONLY thing to EVER get that weasel like cock it's play time. CUM play with me...i know you can't resist. The feeling is too damn good!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
3rd Aug 2024

**SPECIAL - Ft Princess Alexa**My huge natural titties completely over power you. They are your life. They are everything to you. You don't even start your day until you watch my clips and look at these huge tits. They make you so weak. You are so jealous you could never touch tits as perfect as these. Only real hot men get to touch them. These tits i++ntoxicate you. Imagine your dick right in between them, it would feel so good. You need your fix,you can't get enough. My natural tits bounce so good nothing like fake tits. As I rub, tease and push them together I know how horny and weak it makes you. My big round, natural tits make you want to spoil me, devote yourself to me and fall in love with me over and over again. You are completed controlled by them. It's a total mind-fuck for you and it feels so good.. Your addiction is never going to stop, after this clip you will ache for my tits even more than ever.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
27th Jul 2024

How many times have you got yourself close but not close enough? Well that's about to change. You can't shake those depraved thoughts off so it's time you really started to act on them! I promise you that I taste more delicious than you could ever imagine! Spiral deeper as I taunt you with what will forever be off limit. Are you ready? This is the push you need to start a daily dirty habit. yummmm

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
20th Jul 2024

**SPECIAL - Goddess Elle**Listen in on 10 things she HATES about you!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
13th Jul 2024

Quite simply you're a loser obsessed with my tits. Who's going to pay for privilege of my beautiful perfect TITS!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
6th Jul 2024

Here you are again Back hungrier and hornier than ever and I do not blame you! We knew it, right. It was inevitable. But you're back where you belong. I know now you will never try and leave again. You know you're weird and you know you could never fit into normal society. This is why you are on your knees in forgiveness because this is where you belong. Welcome back

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
29th Jun 2024

**SPECIAL Ft. Princess Penny**It's true, you are just so fucking easy. You will literally pay for anything that involves me and my juicy big ass. I can drain you dry in an instant it's laughable. You have become so weak and corrupted by me that you ache for recognition. You will spend anything just in the chance to be noticed by me it's so pathetic. My ass makes you weak, you tremble with excitement and it scares you with the possibility of losing it all my ass. It triggers your inner submissive tendencies and covers you in a wave of helplessness. It makes you want to delve deep into your finances and splurge like you never have before. It corrupts your senses and you are just a total fool. You just want to sniff it, right? To get your nose pushed right between my ass cracks to smell what heaven smells like ha. Such an idiot, such an ass addict and such an easy drain.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
22nd Jun 2024

Sometimes you just need to hear the things that hurt you. I've been doing you a disservice, I really should have let rip and told you exactly what I thought a long time ago. It's only right that I remind you just how truly pathetic you are. It's really not right that you may start to build a false sense of confidence.??It's really time to tell you how it really is. Don't buy this if you cry easily. This isn't for gimps. It's for the true loser who needs to face these hard truths and relish in what a complete and utter joke you are to society.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
20th Apr 2024

How good does it feel to be here in your happy place? To be back where you belong, totally immersed in my clips feels good right? You feel like i'm talking to you and only you. You feel empowered within your loser rights, you feel like you're floating on a cloud of love for me and you don't want this beautiful dream to end. Your wife, your fami9ly, your life....mean's nothing. You NEED me, you NEED this fix, you will ensure you get your DOSE and you will fall deep into total submission..I know the hold over you, but it's just not enough for me. I want every single cell in your body yearning for me 24/7. Are you ready to go deep in?

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
13th Apr 2024

Taking it ALL In one big hit really get's you going, Reminds you of your purpose in life and that is to pay me. Nothing but a worker-bee. Property of Goddess Jasmine. Who lives in awe of his owner and lives a life of basic rations. Shut up and pay up!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
6th Apr 2024

What a complete loser! Two pumps of your own hand around your cock and you're DONE What an absolute embarrassment of a man you are! Hang your head in shame as you're about to do it all over again!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
30th Mar 2024

You really do mean nothing. Not even a speck on my shoe. I know that makes you feel so good and wholesome, knowing you are totally worthless. Wanna hear it again? Those dick twitchy truths. I know it's the only way you can get hard now, right!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
23rd Mar 2024

Hey Loser, I know you're back for more from your favourite mean girl. Weak AF for me, letting your huge crush on me rule your mind and ultimately letting me use you over and over again. You know I don't care about you one bit, once I'm done I will be tossing you away yet again.??I mean you cant think I like you, can you? I'm here to punish you for being so stupid to think anything of that kind.??It's quite clear you need a reminder of the brutal truth.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
16th Mar 2024

The obsession you have for my tits is much more intense than anything else in your life. Desperately aching to pump your loser cock and worship. My perfect round breasts really do have a hold over you You and I know that this clip is not a one time watch, you'll get triggered over and over again until you're just a tit worshiping zombie for only me! Your weak stupid mind can't resist the fullness of my soft breasts. It hurts just so out of reach they are. Making them a perfect trigger to fuck you over and over again.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
9th Mar 2024

I know you like to play with fire and know you like to live life on the edge, right. So why are we keeping all your little secrets between us. It would be so much more fun if EVERYONE knew how much of a weirdo you are. Can you imagine. Makes you hard, doesn't it.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
2nd Mar 2024

The obsession you have for my tits is much more intense than anything else in your life. Desperately aching to pump your loser cock and worship. My perfect round breasts really do have a hold over you You and I know that this clip is not a one time watch, you'll get triggered over and over again until you're just a tit worshiping zombie for only me! Your weak stupid mind can't resist the fullness of my soft breasts. It hurts just so out of reach they are. Making them a perfect trigger to fuck you over and over again.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
24th Feb 2024

Are you ready? Are you resisting? not for long 1 minute into this clip and you will be begging desperate to send me the biggest tribute of your life. You want to enjoy that rush But where does it stop? I know you want to play. You're too fucked up not to. Come inside loser

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
17th Feb 2024

Big, shiny, beautiful tits = goofy, stupid, dumb loser! I know how to fuck with you so hard. The temptation is too real. This is insanely HOT, even i was turned on filming this.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
10th Feb 2024

Another week slaving away at work and yet another Friday you have handed over your wages for me to spend as I wish. You know what i like to spend your money on, well my money! On lot's of sexy, horny dates with my well hung stud. Want to know how much i'm going to enjoy him all weekend? As you stay at home, out of the way and like you really don't exist. You're just here to foot the bill for my sex life. Something you have never and will never live up to.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
3rd Feb 2024

You do know the rules right. If you can't make a woman cum then you sure as hell shouldn't be making yourself cum. Tiny little dicks like yours only deserve one thing, total denial. You should be ashamed, you can't even stroke that tiny thing like a man. Did you really think you was going to be allowed to buy this clip and orgasm, now that really makes me laugh so hard. Prepare yourself for some honest holding back here!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
21st Jan 2024

Hey Jerk Off I know you can't resist the opportunity to do what you to best... I am so ready to take your addiction and jerking obsession to the next level. Lose your mind, let me take control and absorb my every curve and word as I penetrate your mind and own your orgasm.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
14th Jan 2024

You know I LOVE money, especially yours. You know how EASY it is for me to totally financially manipulate you into paying me over and over again until you have NOTHING. In the RED, broke and horny, this is your happy place knowing you did this for Goddess Bacon boy, it's time to play. You can't resist me at the best of times but today, wow today I am really going deep inside. Let me's time to condition your mind and wallet.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
7th Jan 2024

Hey Loser You're not worthy of my time, you know that right? Sit there like a sucker desperately inhaling my secondary smoke whilst drooling over my killer Louboutin heels

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
31st Dec 2023

I know how weak my big voluptuous ass makes you... I want you to come real close. I want your nose pressed up to the screen. Go on, inhale. Take it ALL unzip and follow my instructions.

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
24th Dec 2023

You watched me go from wealth to wealth. Each and every time I brag about my promising financial position, it fuels your horny state and makes you want to do more. Working your worthless ass off for your Goddess was exactly why you was put on this earth. Mindlessly slaving away, working over time, a non existent social life, a virgin status and an acute addiction to me is what your life mounts to. Each and every month you go straight into your overdraft. RED is where you belong and RED keeps you horny and hard. Watching me excel at life, luxurious holidays, copious expensive handbags, multiple properties and I list the really never ends. All whilst you live in squaller..but are you ready to take to the next extreme? I am...but are you piggy?

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
17th Dec 2023

Let's get one very important fact straight.....YOU are MY worker. You WORK for cash for me to fund my lifestyle. I mean, look at me. Do i look like I should work a day in my pretty life? hell no. That is for worthless, addicted minion pigs like you. So what are you still sitting there drooling at..... Get to work and start making me those thousands...and on the way out, hit that tribute button and thank me properly for this clip BACON BOY!

Jasmine Jones
Worship Jasmine
10th Dec 2023

You are basically a born again VIRGIN! You have become so obsessed in paying me over and over again that you have forgotten about your previous 'life' I mean, it's like you was some lothario but you have become so self conditioned that you would rather pay women than have the opportunity to get that useless dick wet. In fact, I bet you have forgotten you even have a cock. Doesn't it feel good to pay me though. Paying over and over again to be completely dismissed like you don't exist. That total humiliation really gets you going, doesn't it weirdo!

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