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Lethal Lipstick

Lethal Lipstick

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Mr Smith
Lethal Lipstick
2nd Feb 2008

Mr Smith and Mrs Smith hadn't gotten on for a long time now so as far as Mr Smith was concerned, it was time to take positive action and deal with the problem...but Mrs Smith saw it coming!

Lethal Lipstick
26th Jan 2008

Deals going bad were not in the planning of the rookie. He had been assigned a simple enough task. Do the deal with Crystal, keep it clean and make some dough...but Crystal had a reputation of being a one tough bitch... he was nervous..

Final Call
Lethal Lipstick
19th Jan 2008

The smoking Hit Lady Assasin waited patiently for the call. She had taken care of eveyerything but before she finished the job, she need confirmation from the boss. He would either give a thumbs up... or a thumbs down...

First Timer
Lethal Lipstick
12th Jan 2008

Hiring hookers was something Fat Sam wasn't too used to. Normaly, he never had any problems with the ladies, but tonight he felt like something different...

Lethal Lipstick
5th Jan 2008

What happens when Fat sam's wife discovers he's been cheating on her. Even worse, what happens when the mistress and the wife get together to exact revenge? Fat Sam was in some Big trouble, now all he had to do was worm his way out of it...

Lethal Lipstick
29th Dec 2007

Strangely, Michelle B had been teamed with lolly Badcock on this job. Fat Sam knew they both hated each other with a vengence, but Michelle supposed Fat Sam knew best. She just wanted to get this job done and dusted...her lost on hadn't gone so well and it was time to turn over a new slate

Computer Guy
Lethal Lipstick
22nd Dec 2007

Roxanna had a problem with her computer and she knew just the guy to fix it. He would do it for free, she knew that much, but at what cost...

Shift Change
Lethal Lipstick
15th Dec 2007

Fat Sam had been taken ill for a few days now, and this is where his money talked. Private nursing and the best of care whilst he stayed at home in bed. It was also safer this way, no one could possibly get to him through all his installed security...

Lethal Lipstick
8th Dec 2007

Hit Lady Cate Harrington, had taken a fancy to their latest victim. What they wanted from him was simple. The codes to the laptop and access to his fortune but he wasn't talking and with Cate taking her time at seducing him, her partner in crime, Kaz B was quickly losing patience..

Lethal Lipstick
1st Dec 2007

The police had been searching for Abigail for some time and it was only with the enterprise of a new constable on the case, Roxanne, that they were close to making an arrest...

The Bride
Lethal Lipstick
24th Nov 2007

Fat Sam had just married the stunningly beautiful young blonde, Michelle B. As it was the wedding night, it was only fare for Fat Sam to believe they were about to consummate their wrong could he be..?

Poor Performance
Lethal Lipstick
17th Nov 2007

Boss Nikki-Lee calls in Angel Long for a dressing down. Her figures have been well below par and it was time to address her poor performance. Unfortunately for Nikki, Angel didn't take too kindly to her dressing down...

Mission 1
Lethal Lipstick
10th Nov 2007

Mission - To Find and secure the disk, preferably if at all possible, with it in the laptop and whilst he's accessing his secure database. Yeah, that would make things easy, but Mission 1 was to find the disk..

Lethal Lipstick
3rd Nov 2007

Lucy B, the London agent, was surprised that the Organization had forced another lesser known Eastern European agent to help out on the next mission. She was frankly puzzled, and as she made this new agent her coffee, she was intrigued to find out the real reason behind her mission

Rotten Boss
Lethal Lipstick
27th Oct 2007

Danni R was enjoying a well earned day off and as she relaxed on the sofa, she immersed herself into a comedy that was showing on Channel 5. The phone rang, she picked up hoping it was one of her friends inviting her out for a day of shopping and girl fun but all she got was the rough and demanding tones of her bastard boss....this might just be the last straw she thought...

Bad Grades
Lethal Lipstick
20th Oct 2007

Rio Mariah and Renee Richards had once again received below par grades from their college lecturer. Fine, they chatted a lot during lectures, but in their minds, the tutor had taken a personal dislike to them and it was time to put the record straight!!

Wrong Time, Wrong Place
Lethal Lipstick
13th Oct 2007

Fat Sam was collecting invoices and the two bitches that lived at no 7 owed him 3 months rent. It was time to call it in. He calls round ready for an argument and he gets it, but just when things are looking like getting resolved and he's on his way out, he realizes he still has his tenants bank statement. he returns to give this back...but maybe he should have just kept on walking...

Tables Turned
Lethal Lipstick
6th Oct 2007

Fat Sam wanted a quick solution to his money problems and his wife's insurance policy seemed like just the ticket. He had it all planned and he felt confident in his choice of hit woman. She would take care of everything...he was sure..

Lethal Satin Gloved Ladies!
Lethal Lipstick
29th Sep 2007

He has played Mr Big shot at the high society party. Sure, he was a city banker on a six figure salary and that made him better than most. He spent most his evening mingling amonst the guests bragging about his importance...

Caught In The Act
Lethal Lipstick
22nd Sep 2007

Fat Sam was used to having his cake and eating it. What he wasn't used to is having the tables turned on him but when faced with difficult situations, he does what he know best...he hides!

The Job
Lethal Lipstick
15th Sep 2007

Julietta is surprised that the latest "recruit" she's been sent looks like he's way short of the mark and the standards she requires. The problem for her...and for him is that he knows her hide out and who she is, she has to be discreet about how she lets him down...

Ready Or Not
Lethal Lipstick
8th Sep 2007

The two beautiful, dark assasins were looking for someone and they weren't upto to much talking or negotiating. When fat Sam heard them at the door, he ran out the back to hide like the coward he was...would they find him??

Scum Bag
Lethal Lipstick
1st Sep 2007

Getting away from job with the loot, and more imporatntly, without the rest of the gang was his plan. To simply slip away in the confusion with a serious amount of cash, dissapear and start a new life...easy money...surely

Lethal Lipstick
25th Aug 2007

He had just been promoted to Dark Angel's top order of trusted officers, but as with all her new senior appointments, Dark Angel had to test his nerve, to see if he would break under pressure. She had to be sure he valued her more than anything...

Bad Cards
Lethal Lipstick
18th Aug 2007

The cards were coming out good, real good. he was on a roll. Playing with these dumb chicks was like taking candy from a baby. If he played his cards rtight, he might just put one of them so far in debt, she'd have to give him some personal favors..

Slight Hit
Lethal Lipstick
11th Aug 2007

Two beautiful, lethal ladies with an appetite for action are on the prowl. They have a contract on Mr Big and they just can believe how easy it is...

Office Revenge
Lethal Lipstick
4th Aug 2007

Revenge is sweet, especially when it is dished out by a beautiful but cold blooded female. Lolly Badcock and Angel Long are two disgruntled employees that have turned the tables on their unsuspecting, male chauvinist, boss...

To Who Ever
Lethal Lipstick
28th Jul 2007

Joanna had simply had enough. 7 years of hurt and abuse and now it was time to bring this unproductive relationship to an end and for her to start a new life.There was only one way...

Fatal Nylon Slave
Lethal Lipstick
21st Jul 2007

The guy next door had a serious nylon fetish and he liked nothing better than to perv at the two babes next door as they hung out their nylons on the washing line, and when the opportunity came to sneak into their house and perv their their panties and strockings, he just had to do it. After all, even if he got caught, what was the worst they could do..?

Cat Caught
Lethal Lipstick
14th Jul 2007

Sam always thought of the best things about being a cat burglar was being able to prowl in the dead of night and if you were lucky, you would always found a beautiful helpless young woman that you could tie and leer over whilst you ransacked the place...tonight was just one of those nights...

Big Cheat
Lethal Lipstick
7th Jul 2007

He always like to have his cake and eat it so playing around was second nature to him. He had gotten away with it so many times before, his wife was fool who loved him so much, she let him get away with was good!

Lovers Revenge
Lethal Lipstick
30th Jun 2007

Vicci is a lover scorned and worse than that, the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with turned out to be a money grabbing bastard. Now it was time for revenge and she had him just where she wanted him!

Buried Treasure
Lethal Lipstick
23rd Jun 2007

Fat Sam was sure he wasn't being followed. He had left it long enough. The money from the raid had been buried for months now and the heat was off. He chuckled to himself as he thought about how he had gotten those eastern Europeans to do all the leg work, then blagged them about having to drop the dosh during the chase.....this was easy money...

The Money
Lethal Lipstick
16th Jun 2007

Kat is holding Mr Big for ransom and maybe she's bitten off more than she can chew. She'll have to watch her back and make sure that once she has the cash, she makes her future secure in more ways than one..

Surpluss To Requirements
Lethal Lipstick
9th Jun 2007

Everything was set, it looked good and provided everything went as planned, they would all be very rich very soon. But when Michelle shows up, theres an unexpected glitch...

Lethal Lipstick
2nd Jun 2007

Caught and handcuffed, now it's time to face the music but will the two lethal ladies give him just one more chance?

Code Breaker
Lethal Lipstick
26th May 2007

He had the codes that she needed so desperately, but she had a plan. She had him tied tight and now all she had to do was get the code out him..

Lethal Lipstick
19th May 2007

He had just won £1.6 million on the lottery and he was damned if he was going to share that with his wife. In fact, this was the time to sieze the opportuinity and get rid of her for good..

Lethal Lipstick
12th May 2007

The house was easy pickings, or so he had been told. "just force the door at the back and you'll have access to everything...." He knew the only people living there were two useless blonde bimbo's so what the hell, time to break in and earn some cash..!

Change Of Management
Lethal Lipstick
5th May 2007

Fat Sam wantS to put his blond bombshell secretary, Kaz B, into a higher profile role within the organization, and there's one agent who Sam thinks ain't pulling her weight. Maybe it's time for a change of management..

Lethal Lipstick
28th Apr 2007

Fat Sam has the measure of Annabelle. He has some information on her that he knows she wants kept hushed, but as this is business, of course it's gonna cost her something to keep him quiet...

Lethal Lipstick
21st Apr 2007

Cindy and Fat Sam have just completed a deal. They scammed their way to a nice payday and now they had to get out of the country before the buyers found out the truth behind the scam. When Cindy invites Fat Sam to her bedroom for some fun and games, there was a little more going on behind the scenes than Fat Sam was aware of..

Rogue Cops
Lethal Lipstick
14th Apr 2007

Fat Sam's driver knows he's likely to get a visit from the law asking him about last weeks robbery, but he was adamant they had nothing on him and he for one, was not going to spill the beans!

Crap Agent
Lethal Lipstick
7th Apr 2007

Myla Charles and Rio-Lee are part of an emerging Girl band, The problem, as they see it, is their crap agent who promises them the world and NEVER delivers. Apart from always wanting sexual favors and money from them, he has still to come up the goods...well today is do or die for him!

Card Cheat
Lethal Lipstick
31st Mar 2007

He's on a roll and these two bitches owe him a fortune. Too bad they're too dumb to pick up on his cheating ways and as another hand is dealt, he feels he can push his luck a little more and cheat one more time..

Deadly Strippers
Lethal Lipstick
24th Mar 2007

Fat Sam thinks all his dreams have just come true. Two gorgeous looking ladies who are about to do a sexual and sensual little strip and lap dance for him. Surely it just cant get any better than that?

Fatal Foot Fetish
Lethal Lipstick
17th Mar 2007

His wife has found out about him being a foot fetish slave and she's not happy. After all, what would the neighbors say. Lucky enough, she knows just the woman who can take care of a small crisis like this.

Bills To Pay
Lethal Lipstick
10th Mar 2007

Alyssa's husband is pissed at her for spending all his cash. he tells her that if she wants to pay the bills, she had better start earning some money and suggests she starts working street corners. A suggestion which Alyssa finds particularly offensive!

Caught With His Pants Down
Lethal Lipstick
3rd Mar 2007

Super smooth hit lady Elle had a mission to complete. To take out Fat Sam once and for all. She was hoping she might just catch him with his pants down and boy did she do just that!

Gone Sour
Lethal Lipstick
24th Feb 2007

The deal was all set up. Simple. All that was left was the exchange. The hostage was secure and in the boot and surely the money was on it's way....or was it?

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